
Title Author Yearsort descending Publication type
Archaeology of Mural Painting at Pañamarca, Peru Lisa Trever Book
Aphrodisias II: Roman Portrait Statuary from Aphrodisias Christopher Hallett; R. R. R. Smith; S. Dillon; J. Lenaghan; J. Van Voorhis Book
Traité des Statuës. Paris 1688 Henrike C. Lange; François Lemée; Hendrik Ziegler; Diane Bodart Book
New Images of Man Peter Selz Book
American Painting 1730-1960: A Selection from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd Margaretta Lovell Book
The Work of Jean Dubuffet Peter Selz 1962 Book
Max Beckmann Peter Selz 1964 Book
German Expressionist Painting Peter Selz 1974 Book
Hills Beyond a River: Chinese Painting of the Yuan Dynasty, 1279-1368 James Cahill 1976 Book
Skopas of Paros Andrew Stewart 1977 Book
Attika Andrew Stewart 1979 Book
An Index of Early Chinese Painters and Painting: T’ang, Sung, and Yuan James Cahill 1980 Book
Art in Our Times: A Pictorial History, 1890-1980 Peter Selz 1981 Book
Sam Francis Peter Selz 1982 Book
The Compelling Image: Nature and Style in Seventeenth-Century Chinese Painting (Charles Eliot Norton Lectures) James Cahill 1982 Book
Distant Mountains: Chinese Painting Of The Late Ming Dynasty, 1570-1644 James Cahill 1982 Book
William Morris: The Sanford and Helen Berger Collection Margaretta Lovell; Anthony Bliss 1984 Book
Venice : the American View, 1860-1920 Margaretta Lovell 1984 Book
The Art of Describing: Dutch Art in the Seventeenth Century Svetlana Alpers 1984 Book
A Visitable Past : Views of Venice by American Artists, 1860-1915 Margaretta Lovell 1989 Book
The Canonical Tradition in Ancient Egyptian Art Whitney Davis 1990 Book
Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux: Sculptor of the Second Empire Anne Wagner 1990 Book
Greek Sculpture : an Exploration Andrew Stewart 1990 Book
Hans Burkhardt: Desert Storms Peter Selz 1991 Book
David d’Angers Jacques de Caso 1992 Book
Masking the Blow: The Scene of Representation in Late Prehistoric Egyptian Art Whitney Davis 1992 Book
The Vatican Vergil: A Masterpiece of Late Antique Art David H. Wright 1993 Book
The Painter’s Practice: How Artists Lived and Worked in Traditional China (Bampton Lectures in America) James Cahill 1994 Book
Faces of Power : Alexander’s Image and Hellenistic Politics Andrew Stewart 1994 Book
Rembrandt’s Enterprise: The Studio and the Market Svetlana Alpers 1995 Book
Michelangelo: The Sistine Chapel Ceiling, Rome Loren Partridge 1996 Book
Drawing the Dream of the Wolves: Homosexuality, Interpretation, and Freud’s “Wolf Man” Whitney Davis 1996 Book
The Two-Headed Deer Illustrations of the Ramayana in Orissa Joanna Williams 1996 Book
Tiepolo and the Pictorial Intelligence Svetlana Alpers; Michael Baxandall 1996 Book
The Making of Rubens Svetlana Alpers 1996 Book
The Lyric Journey: Poetic Painting in China and Japan (Edwin O. Reischauer Lectures) James Cahill 1996 Book
Dimitri Hadzi Peter Selz 1996 Book
Replications: Archaeology, Art History, Psychoanalysis Whitney Davis 1996 Book
Three Artists (Three Women): Modernism and the Art of Hesse, Krasner, and O’Keeffe Anne Wagner 1996 Book
The Drawing Speaks: Theophile Bra, Works 1826-1855 = Le Dessin Parle : Theophile Bra, Oeuvres 1826-1855 Jacques de Caso; Andre Bigotte 1997 Book
Art, Desire, and the Body in Ancient Greece Andrew Stewart 1997 Book
Pacing the World: Construction in the Sculpture of David Rabinowitch Whitney Davis 1997 Book
Beyond the Mainstream: Essays on Modern and Contemporary Art Peter Selz 1998 Book
Farewell to an Idea: Episodes from a History of Modernism T.J. Clark 1999 Book
Modern Odysseys: Greek American Artists of the 20th Century Peter Selz 1999 Book
The Absolute Bourgeois: Artists and Politics in France, 1848-1851 T.J. Clark 1999 Book
Image of the People: Gustave Courbet and the 1848 Revolution T.J. Clark 1999 Book
Barbara Chase Riboud: Sculptor Peter Selz 1999 Book
The Painting of Modern Life: Paris in the Art of Manet and his Followers T.J. Clark 1999 Book
Michelangelo: The Last Judgment – A Glorious Restoration Loren Partridge 2000 Book