To declare the major in the History of Art Department, a student must complete two courses taught in the department and receive a grade of C- or higher in each course. Once these prerequisites are met, students may formally petition to declare the major by making an appointment with the Undergraduate Advisor at any time during the fall and spring semesters. Students in residence at UC Berkeley are strongly urged to complete all lower division requirements and one upper division course by the end of their sophomore year. Transfer students should plan to take two history of art courses in their first semester. Students need to establish their area of focus by the second semester of their junior year.

Advantages of Declaring Early
Majors who declare early, especially in the sophomore year, enjoy both a more thorough preparation for seminars and time to study more closely with multiple members of the faculty, as well as greater flexibility in coordinating major requirements with College of Letters and Science (L&S) requirements and in planning a sequence of courses that allows for special programs of study, e.g., study abroad, internships, independent study, a double major, and the Honors Program.