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Margaretta Lovell
Sortable name: Lovell, Margaretta
Job title: Professor
Department: American Art and Architecture
Role: Current Faculty, Undergraduate Advisor
Salar Mameni
Sortable name: Mameni, Salar
Job title: Assistant Professor
Department: Department of Ethnic Studies
Role: Affiliated Faculty
Daniel Marcus
Sortable name: Marcus, Daniel
Ivy Mills
Sortable name: Mills, Ivy
Job title: Continuing Lecturer
Department: Arts and Visual Cultures of Africa and the African Diaspora
Role: Current Faculty
Kevin Morales-Bernabe
Sortable name: Morales-Bernabe, Kevin
Role: Graduate Student, Graduate Student Instructor
Madeleine Morris
Sortable name: Morris, Madeleine
Role: Graduate Student, Graduate Student Instructor
Zamansele Nsele
Sortable name: Nsele, Zamansele
Job title: Assistant Professor
Department: Modern and Contemporary African & African Diasporic Art
Role: Current Faculty
Todd Olson
Sortable name: Olson, Todd
Job title: Professor
Department: Early Modern Art
Role: Current Faculty
Loren Partridge
Sortable name: Partridge, Loren
Job title: Art of the Italian Renaissance
Role: Emeriti Faculty
Lisa Pieraccini
Sortable name: Pieraccini, Lisa
Job title: Continuing Lecturer
Department: The Material Culture of the Ancient Mediterranean, Etruscan and Roman Art
Role: Current Faculty
Sugata Ray
Sortable name: Ray, Sugata
Job title: Associate Professor
Department: South and Southeast Asian Art
Role: Current Faculty
Nicholas Robbins
Sortable name: Robbins, Nicholas
Job title: Media Technology Specialist
Role: Staff
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