
Miriam Said

Miriam Said (2011) earned her B.A. in art history from Syracuse University in 2009, and focuses on art of the ancient near east and the early Greek period. Her research interests include art of the first millennium with a focus on near eastern cultural cross-roads and interaction with the Eastern Mediterranean world; ritual and religion, and the representation and function of hybrid beings in art. She is also particularly interested in issues of cultural heritage and repatriation, which she hopes to explore in more depth in the coming years. Miriam most recently hails from New York...

Jenny Sakai

Jenny Sakai completed her dissertation, entitled Undoing Architecture: Temporalities of Painted Space in Early Modern Amsterdam, and was hooded at the spring 2014 commencement and is currently Visiting Assistant Professor of Art History at Kenyon College. She received her BA from U.C. Berkeley and an MA from Columbia (Art History and Archaeology), and is the recipient of the Jacob K. Javits Fellowship and the two-year Kress Institutional Fellowship in European Art. Jenny’s field of study is early modern Northern art, and her advisors are Elizabeth Honig, Darcy...

Alexa Sand

Alexa Sand is Professor of Art History and Associate Vice President of Research/Associate Dean of Graduate Studies at Utah State University, where she has been on the faculty since 2004. She is a medievalist with a specialization in francophone word-and-image studies. She is the author of Vision, Devotion, and Self Representation in Late Medieval Art (Cambridge, 2014), as well as numerous journal articles and book chapters. She currently directs undergraduate and graduate research support programs at USU, and is an active member of the International Center of...

Sandra Sardjono

Sandra Sardjono (2009) studies the art and visual culture of Southeast Asia, with a particular focus on Indonesia. She is currently writing a dissertation on the depictions of textiles in Java from the Hindu-Buddhist period, 8th-15th century. She spent the last couple of years conducting research in the Netherlands as Visiting Scholar in the Leiden Institute for Area Studies, Leiden University. She earned her B.A. from Bowdoin College in Maine and an M.A. from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. She served as Textile Conservator at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum in...

Michael Schreyach

Ph.D. 2005 (Dept. of History of Art) Michael Schreyach is Associate Professor of Art History at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. He is the author of Pollock’s Modernism (2017).

View Michael’s CV

Kristen Seaman

Kristen Seaman Advisor: Andrew Stewart Kristen Seaman (PhD 2009) is an Associate Professor in the Department of the History of Art and Architecture and an affiliated member of the Department of Classics at the University of Oregon. She is the author of Rhetoric and Innovation in the Art of the Hellenistic Courts (Cambridge 2020) and the co-editor (with Peter Schultz) of Artists and Artistic Production in Ancient Greece (Cambridge 2017). She has received several fellowships and grants,...

Andrew Sears

Andrew Sears (2012) studies medieval art and architecture with Beate Fricke. He received his B.A. in Art History from Emory University. His research focuses on relics, reliquaries, and saints’ cults, with a particular emphasis on Northern Europe and the Hanseatic League.

Joshua A. Shannon

Joshua Shannon is Professor of contemporary art history and theory in the Department of Art History & Archaeology at the University of Maryland. He is the author of The Recording Machine: Art and Fact during the Cold War (Yale University Press, 2017) and The Disappearance of Objects: New York Art and the Rise of the Postmodern City (Yale University Press, 2009). He is founder and director of the Potomac Center for the Study of Modernity and lives in Washington, DC. In 2019-20, he is Terra Visiting Professor of American Art at the Freie...

Jennifer L. Shaw

PhD 1994. Jennifer L. Shaw is author of Exist Otherwise: The Life and Work of Claude Cahun, Reaktion Books, London, 2017; Reading Claude Cahun’s Disavowals, Routledge, 2013; and Dream States: Puvis de Chavannes, Modernism and the Fantasy of France, Yale University Press, 2002. She is Professor of Art History at Sonoma State University.
In February 2018, she was invited to Paris as an...

Emma Silverman

Emma Silverman specializes in Modern and Contemporary American art with a designated emphasis in Women, Gender and Sexuality. Emma is writing her dissertation on the Watts Towers in Los Angeles. More broadly, her research is concerned with art’s role in the built environment, the visual cultures of social movements, and the politics of folk and outsider art. Emma earned her BA from Wesleyan University in 2006 and graduated with an MA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2012.