Sunglim Kim


Sunglim Kim (Ph.D. 2009) is Assistant Professor of Art History and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Dartmouth College. In 2013-14 Sunglim presented her research on chaekgeori screens at the 2013 AAS annual conference in San Diego and at the Triangle East Asia Colloquium at the University of North Carolina, and her research was developed into an article, “Chaekgeori: multi-dimensional messages in late Joseon Korea,” that was published in Archives of Asian Art (Spring 2014). In September, she lectured on the emergence of Korean consumer culture in late Joseon Korea in concert with the exhibition, “Treasures from Korea: Arts and Culture, 1392-1910” at LACMA. With a Junior Faculty Fellowship and her sabbatical leave in 2014-15, Sunglim will focus on completing her upcoming book, Flowering Plums Bloom: 19th-Century Korean Art
