Elise Archias is an assistant professor of art history at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She has made great progress this past year on her book manuscript, The Concrete Body — Rainer, Schneemann, Acconci, and is looking forward to it being out in the world soon. She presented work at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, at the ASAP and MSA conferences, chaired a panel at CAA, "Carolee Schneemann and the Long Sixties," and enjoyed participating in discussions at Gallery 400 (UIC) and the Block Museum at Northwestern. She was the recipient of the ICAH award for collaborative research at UIC in Spring 2014, and her graduate seminar, "Writing About Performance Art," has left her with ideas brewing and research files amassing. She has started taking Portuguese lessons, and is pleased to be getting to know her many new, vibrant colleagues throughout the city.